Massage and the Elderly: Promoting Wellness in Ageing Populations

massage elderly

As our population ages, the importance of maintaining wellness and quality of life for elderly individuals becomes increasingly significant. Among various approaches to promoting health in ageing populations, massage therapy stands out as a gentle yet powerful tool. This blog explores how massage can support the well-being of elderly individuals, addressing physical, emotional and social … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Deep Tissue Massage

deep tissue massage

In the realm of massage therapy, few techniques hold as much power and promise as deep tissue massage. With its ability to alleviate chronic pain, release tension, and promote deep relaxation, this technique is a staple in the toolkit of massage therapists worldwide. But what exactly is deep tissue massage, and how can you master … Read more

Building a Successful Massage Business: Marketing Strategies and Client Retention

building massage business

In the ever-growing wellness industry, building a successful massage business requires a strategic approach to both marketing and client retention. Beyond providing exceptional services, establishing a strong presence in the market and nurturing lasting relationships with clients are key components of building a thriving practice. In this post, we will explore effective marketing strategies and … Read more

How to Choose the Right Massage School

Choosing the right massage school is a crucial step in your journey towards a rewarding career in massage. Here’s our comprehensive guide to help you make an informed decision when looking into places to study. Choose a Training Provider If you are a complete beginner and want to become a professional massage therapist you need … Read more

Develop your Reflexology skills

reflexology course Bath

What is Reflexology? Reflexology is a treatment used to relieve tension and treat illness. It is based on the theory that there are reflex points on the feet, hands, and head linked to every part of the body.  Reflexology is also known as zone therapy. It considers there is a system of zones and reflex … Read more

Deep Tissue Massage skills – What are the benefits?

Deep Tissue Massage

Have you ever thought about learning some highly-effective Deep Tissue Massage skills? There are so many benefits in taking further training. This one-day workshop will benefit both yourself and your clients. Our next Deep Tissue Massage workshop is in Brighton on Wednesday 27th September. The Certificate in Deep Tissue Massage is an essential accredited and … Read more

Who benefits from massage?

Many people can benefit from some form of massage. Years ago it was only available for the wealthy and seen as a luxury treatment only but these days it is quite readily available, due to all the positive health benefits that can be gained from receiving massage. Most gyms, clinics, hospitals and even some offices … Read more

Back mobilisation

This video shows a gentle mobilisation technique for the back which can be ideal to use at the start of a massage. It is a great way to relax and calm a tense back and can settle the nervous system, promoting deep relaxation.

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