Monday is a great day!
Monday is the perfect day to reset, refocus your intentions, reaffirm your direction in life, and recommit to your health and well-being. It is a great day to clean up your diet, reconnect with your exercise, and choose some affirmations for the week. Increase your water intake, eat cleaner food, and reduce or eliminate alcohol, caffeine, and sugar for a few days. Remind yourself about how your body needs to move, and find enjoyable exercise to recommit to. Remind yourself about where you want to be heading in life, and what changes you want to see manifest.
Sunday evening can be a great time to evaluate how you are doing. With eyes of non-judgment and kindness, can you decide what you want to restart from Monday? Don’t berate yourself for any transgressions or falling off your intended path, just get back on it.
Sometimes people get anxious on Sunday evenings and dread Monday mornings. Can you turn this around and see it as an opportunity to positively change your life?
Love yourself more each day and keep moving forward in the direction of the life you want to be living.
Make Monday your favourite day of the week!