Autumn self-care

As we are gradually moving into the quieter energy time of autumn and winter, it is important to reflect upon what self-care might be needed.  Learning to balance your outward giving, doing and socialising with your inner care, attention and nourishment is vital to keep yourself full of energy and thriving through the next few months.

Take some time to reflect upon what areas of your life could do with some attention – do you need to move your physical body more with some cardio-type exercise to keep your energy up and your Qi moving, or do you need to quieten and soften with some yoga or gentle stretching to keep your joints mobile and flexible?

Are you eating well – this is a great time to be eating more deeply nourishing vegetables like squash, root vegetables, cooking soups and stews and roasting your food.  Drinking plenty of water is always a given as our bodies are predominantly made up of water, so not drinking enough is undermining your essential vital essence.

If you struggle with this time of year, try to get out in nature as often as possible, to keep in touch with the benefits of the seasonal changes, the beauty that surrounds you when you walk amongst the trees, or beside water.

Stay connected to family and friends, especially if you are struggling.  It’s important to reach out and ask for help.  People love to support others. Deep in our inner selves, we get a good feeling from supporting, helping and loving others.

Getting out, moving your body and being surrounded by the beauty of nature can really help keep you going through these shorter days.

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